
Welcome to our new blog! Here we will share pictures, videos and presentations which show part of the work and activities planned for these two years that our ARCE project has evolved.

Our Projects 2011

2010/11: United in Diversity- Europe
In this second year, work and projects focus on the topic of European diversity, aiming at raising awareness about European citizenship and Europe's linguistic, cultural and social wealth.
First Term: September to December
a) Celebration of European Day of Languages, 26 September
To know more about this celebration, click here

At IES Sánchez Lastra, students collected labels, tags, cards, notices, signs, and many more things, in different languages- Spanish, English, French, Asturian, etc. With all of them, they made a big and colourful collage to celebrate Europe's linguistic diversity
At IES Pedro Jiménez Montoya, and after introducing the Celebration with the worksheet "languages spoken in Europe" and taking part in the quiz show "Who wants to be a millionarie?, students started to fill in their language passport. During the Drama lesson, a European Day of Languages party is reenacted; at that party, there are songs and small role-plays.
b) In teams, students search for information about the European country assigned, in order to prepare a sort of TV documentary (inspired in the famous programmes "Españoles por el mundo" o "Callejeros viajeros".

Second Term: January to April
In teams, students explore Europe, its countries, games, music, etc. and prepare resources for European Fair of Nations, producing tourist guides, presentations, posters, and picturesque polyhedra advertising European countries. Apart from Internet, students contact embassies and consulates.

Third Term: April to June
At last, we meet again, this time in the South.